We are a studio with communicational solutions in the spectrum of Branding, Social Communication, Merchandising, Graphic Design and New Media, born in 2014 and in 2017 incorporating expert communicators committed to the Communication for Development to promote and participate in projects in sustainable social development.

BTQ Design is a company founded and managed by women, based in Mexico, which works with correspondents in Central America (in Costa Rica and El Salvador).

  • Our specialists operate in different regions but travel to Latin America on a very frequent basis, strengthening contacts and experience in countries in our region.

  • This structure and way of working allows us to generate products suited to the needs of our region, shortening distances and expanding our influence in each of the projects.


+ We are committed to Communication for Development >

As a team we have had the opportunity to work with partners who understand inclusion and gender equity as the cornerstones of a more inclusive and prosperous future for all. More specifically, in the last 7 years we have worked with multidisciplinary teams in the strategic communication of programs and projects focused on the following topics:

  • The Human Rights approach.

  • The objectives of the 2030 agenda.

  • Social inclusion which encompasses gender, non-discrimination and community work (especially in environmental projects).

Our team

  • Founder / Creative Director

    Mexico City

  • Founder / / Executive Director

    Mexico City

  • Social Communication


We are open to new: dreams, experiences, collaborations, projects, etc.

Let's talk soon!

Who we’ve worked with:

  • IOM - International Organization for Migrants, LATAM.


  • Save the Children LATAM.


  • Conservation International Mexico.

Global Good Manners

  • ECLAC - Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean.

  • European Union in Mexico and Central America.

  • Mexican Fund for Nature Conservation.

Big Foot

  • UNFPA - United Nations Population Fund Mexico.


El Coahuilense
