Terra Verde is a Honduran company that produces healthy food in diverse rural areas. It focuses its work on the use and generation of value of fruits and vegetables (transforming them into frozen pulp), with fresh, healthy and high quality products, harvested by small local producers who contribute to the economic and food sustainability of their region.

Currently Terra Verde has expanded its production to corn and vegetable derivatives without chemical additives (chicken tacos, vegetable chips, tortillas for tacos and vegetable and corn tostadas) always offering nutrition, freshness, health and practicality in all its products.

Our work consisted of developing a new visual discourse on the essence of Terra Verde, renewing its image in order to project the sustainable growth of the production, industrialization and commercialization of agronomic derivatives in the region.

Identity strategy:

From the exploration of the current business model of Terra Verde (formerly CorporaciĆ³n Agroindustrial MART), we identified that it was necessary to update the image, discourse and voice of the organization, together towards a new discourse of sustainability, community and zero waste.

- Work was done on a renovation of the logo and image.

- Exploration of the new narrative towards food technification and preservation, through communication messages relevant to this transformation.

- Renewal of communication channels with visual and verbal messages.

The project has been part of the Technical Assistance for the implementation of the Central American Regional Economic Integration Project (INTEC).

* The program, implemented through the Secretariat for Central American Economic Integration (SIECA) and the European Union, is part of the training of 54 companies and business organizations in the Central American region in the process of designing, using and registering trademarks to improve the positioning of their products with export potential.


El Pedernal


Herrera Sorbeteria