How do you know if your project has been a failure? ✍

I have been working in brand design for more than a decade now and so far I don't consider myself the most expert. My work and experience as an advisor and consultant has grown, it has given me the opportunity to understand this work as a new challenge every time. The last 4 years have been some of the most fruitful for my professional career, as they have allowed me to delve into 2 of the areas that give me more professional fulfillment: graphic design and social communication.

Working with community companies has been a challenge, since my training was not always in social understanding. One of the guidelines in branding is to apply creative thinking and strategy in the visual and verbal languages of a certain set of meanings for BRANDS. But... people are brands? or rather, people build brands. The doubt arises in me then: how does the collective take value? in a context of climatic urgency and economic autonomy for all populations.

UCIRI in particular has given me a great lesson, the identity of a community will not be represented without the collective consensus, the identity of a population is more than colors, textiles, "folklore", region and beliefs. Identity is also built from resistance, autonomy and love for the land. Representativeness has to do with the collective work of communities living and sustaining entire territories to preserve the health of the planet and at the same time finding them productive.

Due to logistical issues and lack of budget for the entire project, we were not able to have a final follow-up with the community, however we had feedback from the leaders and this has been the result. I do not know if it is an unfinished project, because they are still analyzing it and if they choose to use it in the future. On our side remains the satisfaction of knowing and expressing what we found in UCIRI.


The future will be feminine